Thursday, June 30, 2005

Is It Still 2004?

I'm having a hard time accepting that this is 2005. I don't know why. You know how you'll goof, and put the wrong year on things whenever you date them for the first few days of the new year? Then, you'll remember, and kinda laugh at yourself, and say, "Oh, yeah, it's not that year anymore! Har har har!!!" Well... This year is almost halfway over, and I still think it's 2004! I still refer to 2003 as "last year." I still date my letters, and other important documents, as "2004." I stopped laughing at myself a long time ago... I'm worried now. In an interesting twist, I DO understand that I'm 29 years old. It's just the year thing, man! Is there some sort of therapy, or something that I can go in for on this kind of thing? I'm well aware of the fact that time seems to pass faster the older we get. Years go by very quickly. Why can't I get over this thing? Someone, please, help me!!!

Thursday, June 23, 2005

New Chatters!

FINALLY!!! A new episode of "Chatters" is up for your viewing enjoyment. You can find a link for said episode right about here. The story of this episode goes back a few years... 1998, I'm thinking... '97, maybe, but probably '98... Or, was that '96? Heh heh. It's based on the first "Reporters On The Beach" in Florida... Ahh, this just in, my sources tell me that it was, in fact, 1998! Good memory, huh? So... Back in 1998, the running joke of the week was the word "Hostel." Timmy and Ryan saw a hostel the year before, and we were making fun of that word for, like, the next 3 years, as we tended to do back then. Anyway... This episode features "WDN2" trying to figure out what the crap that word actually means, in a posting board over at I actually posted my questions back in April, and I'm just starting to get responses out of the post. Long time coming on that one!

On a side note, you'll notice that the main Chatters page is undergoing some much-needed matainance. Hopefully, it'll look a little less cluttered, and a little more readable, when I get done with it. Enjoy!

Saturday, June 18, 2005

Quote Of The Day

Steve: "It looks like you have a tumor on the side of your car."
Junebug: "It's not a tumuh!!!"

(We were talking about my Sirius satellite antenna. I just bought it today. It's pretty cool. You should get one! We had to stick the antenna to the side of my car, because the magnetic thingy wouldn't stick on my Mustang's trunk lid... Which reminds me...)

Quote of the Day II:
Steve: "I told you not to buy a Ford! This thing's got a plastic trunk on it!"

(Today was fun...)

Tuesday, June 14, 2005


Remember when spam was something that we actually enjoyed... It was a tastey beef bi-product, of some sort, and it was sold in those cool / fun blue cans...

I've seen it all now! has become some sort of haven for spammers. I like to browse around Blogger from time to time, and see if any other souls are as disturbed as mine. So, after my last post, I decided to do such browsing. I'm kinda pissed, because all I could find, when hitting the "next blog" button, was spam! Sad, people. Sad.

My Favorite Rejections

As you all know, I've been on a quest to find love for quite some time now. I started out the conventional way, by just asking girls out. I didn't have any luck there, so I turned to online dating services. Wouldn't you know it, I didn't have any luck there either, so I've come full-circle, and started asking again. Still no luck... But, I figured I shouldn't let this sort of thing get me down. So, I've decided to amuse myself by collecting girls' excuses. Now, here is a collection of some of my all-time favorite rejections:

* "I've got to go to the library."
* "I don't have time."
* "I have a boyfriend."
* "I can't. I'm getting ready to move to Huntington."
* "You're too old for me."
* "You're too young for me (this particular girl ended up seeing one of my former friends, who is 4 years YOUNGER than me. Go figure, eh?)."

And, then, there were two girls who didn't even give any excuses:

* One girl said yes, and acted like she wanted to go out with me, but when I went to pick her up, she ran away from me! True story.
* And finally, and probably the most painful one ever, was the one who was a friend for, like, a year and a half, but just stopped talking to me (and pretending like she didn't even know me!) after I asked her out.

So, yeah... It sucks to be me. I've yet to find a girl who has the guts to just come right out, and tell me the truth, though: "You're a hideous freak, and I wouldn't go out with you if you were the last man on the planet!" So, here's my challenge. If I ever hear that response (the truthful one), I will give the girl who says it $1,000 cash.

Friday, June 10, 2005

Sticky Situation

You may recall that I've been looking for a new job for the last few months. Not having a bit of luck with that. But... An interesting proposal came forth, last week (a week ago, today, actually). My old Kmart pal, Eddie, asked if I'd like to get a job with him at the movie theater. And, that would be awesome, if it wasn't a minimum wage job. One of the reasons I'm trying to get out of the grocery store is that the pay sucks, so it would be kinda dumb to quit for a job that pays even less than the grocery store. But... What about working at the movie theater part-time, while not working at the grocery store? That seems like a possibility! But, I'm afraid I'd be really tired, and whatnot. I mean, I stay tired all the time, as it is! But, dude, the job would be SIMPLE! Not to mention, I'd be working with some of my old Kmart crew again. And that, to me, would be worth being tired for! Heh heh. Seriously, though, those guys are great, and I REALLY DO want to try it out. I've been thinking about it all week. In weighing the positives against the negatives, there's no question about it, the positives are victorious! But... I've gotta make up my mind by tomorrow, and let Eddie and the guys know for sure. Difficulties...

Monday, June 06, 2005

Allergies: A New Fad

I've officially sold out! I've jumped on a bandwagon, for the first time in my life. Let me tell you, I couldn't be more thrilled to be a part of this little fad. It's the coolest thing I've ever been a part of in my 29 years here. It's a neat little thing called: Allergies (or would that be neat THINGS?). Every time I go for a walk, I start sneezing, my throat itches, and my eyes swell up! Heh heh. I tried to sell the product, you know? "Allergies: Try some today!" Maybe that'll do it... So, yeah... What's the deal with these crazy allergies?! I didn't have any allergies at all when I was a kid. It started when I was, like, 18. It get a little more unbearable every year. Actually, I don't remember having allergies last year... But, man, do they suck this year! I wouldn't wish this on my worse enemy. (Do I have any enemies? Hmmm... Have to get back to you on that one...)