Friday, January 25, 2008
After nearly three years of inactivity in Cruel Music, I started recording a new WDN album tonight. This will be the 69th WDN album, and it's kinda exciting, I think. I'm taking WDN into a slightly new direction. That type of thing is necessary; Change, I mean. Change... It's all about change... (Excuse me, if I seem a little off right now, but it's, like, 2:30 in the morning, and I'm a bit sleepy). 2008 marks the 20th year of WDN, so it has to change, and sorta evolve, from time to time. The first incarnation of WDN was done with Terry (the creator of WDN) and myself, in 1988. Then, in 1989, we evolved a little more when we added Roger to the big show. Terry left WDN in 1993, so we evolved again. Roger left WDN in 1995, and, you guessed it, more changes... Ryan climbed on board WDN in 1998, which brought about more changes, of course. Then, Ryan left WDN in 2001 (Did someone say "CHANGE?"). I kept WDN going in the same vein as the "Ryan Era" until 2005, and then it just got boring. So, now, I'm bringing back a new, improved, better, more powerful even, WDN!!! WDN69 is going to be a Larry King interview done with Oprah Winfrey.... It's hard to explain, but it'll feature a whole cast of characters, and it'll be the greatest comedy album you've ever heard in your whole entire life!