Thursday, May 01, 2008

WDN Chatters 913

1) How do you like your grilled cheese?
Like grilled cheese, maybe?

2) Where did you go on your last vacation?

3) Who are your godparents?
I'm not from New York.

4) Where do you see yourself in 5 years?
Sitting here answering more silly surveys.

5) Where are you at 8pm everyday?
Work. My second home...

6) How many speeding tickets have you gotten?

7) What is your favorite movie?

8) What is the last thing you said out loud?
"It must've been a lucky guess."

9) What do you think of the IPHONE?
Just another money scheme.

10) What do you think of winter?
I think it's the coldest season of the year, here on Earth. The leaves all fall off trees, it snows, bears hibernate, and it stays cold for about 4 months.

11) What do you do for relaxation?
Pick earwax out of my ears.

12) Where did you get your couch from?
My boss. It surprised me, because I stopped being his friend, like, a year before he gave it to me.

13) Do you use a plan book?
No, but I plan to buy one soon.

14) At what age do you plan on having kids?
Whenever it happens. I'll have to check my plan book...

15) When was the last time you swam?
It's been too long. I miss it... 2005, Myrtle Beach, I reckon it was...

16) What do you order at Subway?
Nothing. Bad people work there.

17) Do you keep your closets organized?
Of course, you idiot!

18) How do you make headaches go away?
Just wait it out, until they go away. I never get headaches, by the way... Maybe, like, once every 3 years, or something.

19) Have you owned a beta before? What was his name?
You mean, like, one of those old VCRs? I think his name was Magnavox.

20) If you moved out of state where would you go?
Any state that has an ocean close by. Preferably Maine.

22) Did you attend pre school?
Heh, I was just telling Baby Girl about this yesterday! I attended for about 3 days. I was afraid of a bald kid.

23) What do your shower curtains look like?

24) Did you have an imaginary friend as a child?
Kinda. I used to talk to my finger, and call it "Baby Junebug."

25) How do you make eggs?
I don't. Birds do that.

26) Where do you wash your clothes?
Umm... In the washing machine... Duh!!!

27) Which parent do you look most like?
My mom, of course. My dad is a butt.

28) Who are the neighbors who live to the right of you?
I think they're serial killers, or something. I've never seen them out, and we've lived here for a year and four months!

29) What are your thoughts on Tom Cruise?

30) What is the next vehicle you wish to buy?
A horse and carriage.

31) Do you pay bills online or by mail?
'Bout half and half.

32) What would be the best gift someone could get you right now?
I don't know, man. I have everything I could ever possibly want. Seriously.

33) What is something stressful you will deal with next week?
Trying to wake up, and go to work... That's kinda an every day thing, though.

34) What is something in your home that you collect?
Pepsi cans.

35) what are you doing tonight?
Probably watch a movie, and rock.

36) Who did you last see?
Ozzy. He's sitting in the window.

37) How do you take your coffee?
I don't.

38) What are you gonna be for a Halloween this year?
Work, like I always do.

39) On your keyboard what key is wearing out from pressing it so much?
Is that even possible?!

40) Where do you put your keys when you come home?
What, so you can break in, and steal my keys?! You freak!

41) Where do you go for Thanksgiving?

42) What color is your shirt ?

43) What actor/actress would play you in a movie?
That would be a boring movie, whoever decides to play me...

44) How much cash is in your wallet?
Like, 15 bucks. Seriously. My job sucks!

45) Would you have a one night stand with your favorite movie star?
My favorite movie star is Nicolas Cage. I'm not gay... Besides, I have my soul mate now. Who needs one night stands?

46) What color is your house?
Purple with orange polka-dots.

47) If you were starving to death would you eat a pet?
You're weird, Survey Guy!

48) Ever been to Alabama?
I've been to 14 states. Alabama wasn't one of those. Sorry.

49) What kind of accent do you have?
Whatever kind you want me to have, I guess.

50) What kind of alcoholic drinks are in your fridge?
Water, juice, and pop. No alcohol, thank you.