Umm... This crime was committed near Aunt "10'"s house. It's one in a whole series of decapitations in the area. I had a dream about this when I was a kid, by the way. Last summer, when the perpetrators were blasting this mountain there was dust everywhere around 10's house. It reminded me of the dream I had when I was, like, 10 years old. I didn't know how to interpret the vision back then. In the dream I was really scared, and I was seeing smoke, and I thought it was the end of time. When I saw my vision coming true last summer I knew what everything meant. The smoke in my dream was the dust from the mountain. There were fires up there, too, but it was mostly dust. I'm a part-time psychic. I've accurately predicted quite a few things in my life... Most notably, our house burning down. I usually can't predict things that are actually useful, though. I guess I've still not really learned how to control my "psychic powers." But, that's another topic for another day... But, anyway, the mountain in this picture is just about half as tall as it used to be. I'll try to sketch the way the mountain used to look right about here: