Tuesday, August 28, 2007

I Forgot...

Forgot to mention the treadmill. Yeah, I bought myself a $400 treadmill last Tuesday. No, you silly rabbit, I didn't pay $400 for it. I got it for just 50 bucks from some dude. It would've cost $400 if I'd bought one new in a store, but this guy wanted to get rid of his, and everyone came out a winner. I can finally start walking again! Only problem is, I've not walked for so long I'm out of shape now, and get really, really tired when I walk on the treadmill...

Saturday, August 25, 2007

Other "Famous" News

The Man family used to paint their house about every month, but they have stopped in recent years... I think the habit has returned now. They've painted their house, like, 4 times in the last week. It was gray trimmed in purple (I crap you not... Purple). Then, they went to yellow, and kept the purple trim. Next, they changed the trim to brown. A couple days ago, the trim was green. And now, today, they painted the whole house green. I don't get them... Weird people, that Man family.

Also, on my way home for lunch today, I saw Chicken George walking around in circles, carrying an empty basket. I don't know...

Thursday, August 23, 2007

Meet Joyce Gail

Check it out! This is a Cruel Music EXCLUSIVE, or something... I have obtained (through Debra) real, live, actual pictures of the real, live, actual famous person known as Joyce Gail!!!

I don't know if you can tell it, or not, but she kinda sorta stuffs her bra. Can you notice it?

Friday, August 17, 2007

What Happened?!

What happened to one of my favorite 80's metal bands, Bon Jovi? They're country now!!!

What happened to one of my favorite 90's grunge bands, Silverchair? They're a boy band now!!!

What happened to the bottom of my right foot?! I've got this razor-blade-like cut going right down the middle of it! (Yes, it hurts.)

What happened to my vacation?! I've gotta go back to work tomorrow!!!

Thursday, August 16, 2007

Meteor Shower Madness!

Hey, hey! Did you get to see the meteor shower Sunday and Monday? I never did get to see them very often in this part of the country, because it was always raining and/or cloudy and/or something. But there wasn't a cloud in the sky this time! I got to see my fifth meteor shower, and Angel Baby got to see her first one. It was probably the best one I've saw in my life. It was awesome!

Saturday, August 11, 2007

Friday, August 10, 2007

Vacation Begins... NOW!

Vacation Number 2 started today. I got all the grass cut yesterday, so now I have no excuses --- I can be lazy now! Heh heh. No, actually, I'm kinda hoping to get some recording done this week. "It's now or never (Insert Elvis music)." Yeah, if I don't get any recording done this week, it'll probably be next year before I get another chance. Every spare minute I get is going to have to go toward studying after next week. That sucks!

WDN Chatters 907

1. Where were you 1 hour ago?
In bed.

2. Is there anything pink within 10 feet of you?
Wouldn't you like to know?!

3. When is the last time you went to the mall?
Couple weeks ago, or something.

4. Are you wearing socks right now?
Yes, I am.

5. When was the last time you went out of the state?
I work out of the state, so I do that sort of thing quite often.

7. What was the last thing you had to drink?
Sunny Delight. Good stuff!

8. What are you wearing right now?
Work clothes.

9. Have you been in a car wash?
What is this "car wash?"

10. Last food you ate?

11. Who was the last person you talked to on the phone?
A telemarketer, of course.

12. Have you bought any clothing items in the last week?
I don't think I've bought any "clothing items" in the last year!

13. What's the last sporting event you watched?
I saw the Puff Muffs take on the Big Cheese last week. It was awesome!

14. Who is the last person you commented on myspace?
Some band.

15. Ever go to camp?
No, but Ernest did that one time, and it was hilarious!

16. Were you on the Honor Roll in school?
Grade school. Junior High, maybe. Not High School.

17.What do you KNOW about the future?
I know some other country is going to be attacking us at some point in the future, because people are dumb, and that's just what people do.

18. Are you wearing perfume or cologne?

19. what time is it right now?
11:27, almost time to go to work.

20.Where is your best friend(s) located?
Beside me.

21. Do you have a tan?
Farmer's tan.

22. How old do you want to be when you have kids?
32, since it'd be impossible to do that while I'm still 31.

23. Do you collect anything?
Pepsi cans.

24. What kind of sheets do you have?
Sheets of paper, or sheets on the bed? More specific, please.

25. Do You Like Hot Sauce?
It's one of my favorite inventions of all time.

26. Last time you showered?
Like, 6 months ago.

27. What is your mood?
Happy, happy.

28. What's the last TV show you watched?
Some show about near-death experiences.
~The White Stripes
I'm slowly turning into you
But you don't know this
Tell the truth
You say I'm lying and I never really tell you the truth
But your face is getting older
So put your head on my shoulder
Yeah, put your head on my shoulder

Yesterday it hit me that I do all the little things
That you do
Except the same little things that you do are annoying
They're annoying as hell in fact
It kinda struck a little bell in fact
I like to keep my little shell intact

And I'm slowly turning into you
And I'm slowly turning into you

Then something else came to mind
That was the mirror
It made everything clearer
That you're more beautiful compelling and stronger
It didn't take much longer
Just for me to realize I love all the little things
And the beauty that they're gonna bring
I dig your little laugh and I'm lovin' your quick wit
I even love it when you're faking it
And it might sound a little strange for me to say to you
But I'm proud to be you

And I'm slowly turning into you
And I'm slowly turning into you
And I'm slowly turning into you
And I'm slowly turning into you.

Wednesday, August 01, 2007

Antiseptic Anxiety Returns!

After a nearly 2 year hiatus, Antiseptic Anxiety returned yesterday! We recorded our first album since 2001. "The Threat Is Real!" is a 7-song EP, which features some new crap, as well as the two songs that survived from the 2005 sessions ("Dead Rat" and "I Have To Fart"). The EP is hoped to spark a new bit of life into the band, and tempt them to start recording stuff more often, but, most likely, it will remind everyone how dumb the band is, and cause them to go back into hiding.

Also in the works for Cruel Music:
  • A new CD by Junebugg Fewget (featuring singing and everything!).
  • Re-masters of such Cruel Music classics as "School Bus Garage" and the S.O.W. tapes.
  • A "new" batch of stuff from the vaults (some of which dates back to, like, 1982!)