Sunday, November 27, 2005

Hey, ever have one of those days? You know... THOSE days. A day when a big event happens, and you suddenly realize, "Man, this changes EVERYTHING!" It's very exciting. This day, for me, started Friday night... On my 30th birthday, of all days! And, the significance of this day continuted into last night (Speaking in terms of these Earth-shattering days, they tend to last longer than normal, 24-hour cycles.). And, even more today! The dark clouds are lifting. It feels good! It's fun to start to have a social life again!

Oh, and I'm learning to appreciate the art of coffee. =)

Saturday, November 26, 2005

Sleepy, man...

I'm going to try something out of character. I'm going to start living! I'm going out for a night on the town, with "Brother" J.R., tonight. Should be interesting.

But, I'm so friggin' sleepy, man!

Another "new year's resolution," of sorts... I decided to take another stab at online dating, last night... I don't know... Maybe, huh?

Man, why am I so sleepy?!

I slept good last night, by the way. Fixed my box springs, I think. I've had this cramp in my neck, for the last 4 or 5 days, though. I slept on it all wrong, the other night, while trying to ease the pain in my back. I can't seem to get this cramp worked out, and it's getting annoying.

I think I'll take a short nap...

Friday, November 25, 2005

30 Going On 90

Today is my 30th birthday. Exciting, no? Ummm... Happy birthday, me! I feel like I'm about 90 years old. My back has been killing me for the past couple weeks. Today seems to be the most painful. I couldn't figure out what was happening to me. I mean, I'm "only" 30. I shouldn't be in this kind of pain. I exercise, and crap, all the time. I'm HEALTHY, except for the whole bad heart thing. So, I got to thinking, "What is this all about?!" Well... Turns out that there's a GOOD POSSIBILITY that it's my matress box-spring. The thing is lumpier than... Well, a big pile of lumps, or something. I'm going to play around with it some, and see if I can't invent a way to sleep comfortably tonight. Wish me luck.

In other news, I sold my first Ebay item, last night. It's very exciting! I've been registered on Ebay for almost 7 years now. I always used it to just buy things, you know? About a year ago, I decided, "Hey, I can use this as a tool for making some extra money!" So, I tried to sell a few old VHS tapes. Turns out that no one wants VHS anymore... Then, I tried to sell a green crayon. That didn't work, either. I don't know if people would prefer to have a whole set of crayons, or what went wrong there... But, last night, I sold a book! I'm now $8.74 richer. AWESOME!

Hope everyone out there had a nice Thanksgiving, yesterday. I guess mine was okay. I was pretty sore, as earlier noted. It was cool to get to spend some time with my grandparents, without any interruptions, though.

Looks like I'll be spending most of today hanging up Christmas decorations. Going to see a movie with Mom, later. Then, I might go to the gym, or something. Pretty typical day. Back to work, tomorrow. The beat goes on...

Monday, November 21, 2005

"Breaking My Heart"
Matt Hales... Aqualung
Need to know
I don't want to know
Already know
I've seen the signs
I watch you as you pull yourself away from me

Can't believe
Want to believe
How can I believe
When you make me doubt
I thought I knew you
I don't even know myself

I'm losing faith, I'm losing all faith

You're breaking my heart
Breaking my heart
You're breaking my heart again
Don't ask me to start
Ask me to start
Don't ask me to start again
Start again

Want to fight
Afraid to fight
Why don't I fight and make you see
I hold my breath
And disappear inside myself

I'm losing strength, I'm losing all faith

I'm losing you
I'm losing you
(Man... I'm telling you, that dude can write songs! I think I'll order the other Aqualung CD. I love that sad-like music!)

Tuesday, November 15, 2005

Who Is Dwight Yokam?!

Okay... Forgive me for my lack of music knowledge here. I mean, I'm a musical freak, I should know these things. But, apparently, there is a country music singer by the name of Dwight Yokam. I hate country music, but I hear things, you know? Well... There's this weird thing... This old man used to come into the grocery store all the time, and say, "You look just like Dwight Yokam! I'm going to bring you a cowboy hat one of these days." He'd do this shtick every time he'd see me. So... When I worked at Magic Mart, this guy I worked with looked at me one day, and said, "Man, don't take this the wrong way, but I think you look just like Dwight Yokam. I swear, if you had a white cowboy hat on, I wouldn't be able to tell y'all apart." So, I kinda nervously said, "Thanks, man." Okay... So, today, it happened AGAIN! I was on my way to my car, and Phillip the "Heiners Bread Man" said, "Hey, Buddy. My wife wants to know if you're any relation to Dwight Yokam? She said you look just like him." What is this crap, man?! Okay... So... Let's settle this thing, once and for all... What do YOU think?

Sunday, November 13, 2005

My official movie of the moment is "The Weather Man." Yeah... Maybe I'm cheating, since Nicolas Cage is my favorite actor, but, really, it IS a good movie. I like that movie, man! That's the movie I saw yesterday. Probably not the idea movie to take your mom to, but, hey, what can you do? Anyway... Go see that movie now. Thank me later.

Wednesday, November 09, 2005

Last known photo...

Got this yesterday. I like the nifty, new WV license design. They change it, like, every 5 years now. That kinda sucks. Hey, some people are into that kind of thing, though...

Monday, November 07, 2005

Hey, according to my "dashboard," this is my 100th post. I guess this calls for a celebration, or something, huh? So... Go ahead, and celebrate.

As you know, I've been going through this weird, transition sort of thing, these last couple months. I think the transition is almost complete now. Last night was sorta, like, a new beginning for me. I like last night. What a great night last night was! I went to the big rock show with Brother Roger, and his wife, Nora. 3 Doors Down, man!!! Yes, sir!!! What an awesome band!!! I've always liked their CDs, and stuff, you know, but seeing them live was a real treat! AWESOME band, there. I had a great time!!! Shinedown, the opening band, are not so bad, either. I really like Shinedown! Good night. Cool night. Awesome night. God bless Brother Roger. God bless Nora. God bless little Aaron, who I've yet to meet. God bless Shinedown. God bless 3 Doors Down. God bless "ROCKY!!!" It feels good to re-discover what's really important in life. I think I'm done with my anger, and bitterness, and whatnot. I'm starting to feel happy again. I don't think the transition will be complete until I can get out of my office job, though. Yeah, I'm still working there part time, while I'm working at the store the other part of the time. But, getting back with my friends has done wonders for me.

Wednesday, November 02, 2005

New Antiseptic Anxiety!!!

Antiseptic Anxiety entered the studio, today, to record their first album in nearly 4 years. The band is showing signs of evolving drastically since their other 2 albums. But, with song titles like "Dead Rat," "Sugar On The Table," and "I Had To Fart," long-time fans of the band will not be disappointed. Three songs were recorded on this historic day. The new CD, which is still untitled at the moment, should be completed in a couple weeks. More updates soon...

Tuesday, November 01, 2005

Hey, believe it or not, I finally figured out how to operate my Zoom PS-04 digital recorder thing! Actually, some nice folks in a message board told me how to do it. I read the instructions, like, 50 times, and wasn't getting anything out of them. So, anyway... YESSSSS!!! New Cruel Music coming soon. Very soon. Sooner than you might think. Really. Wow. Now I'm all nervous! And, I'm not in the mood to record any of those "silly love songs" anymore. Maybe I'll just write something else... Something nice and aggressive! Stay tuned...