Sunday, December 25, 2005

Nice Forward From Uncle Tim

{I agree with this...}



I don't know who they are, saying I can't greet the crowd the way that I want to. Can't say CHRISTMAS out loud. I walk into a business place, see things that I rather not see, but dare I not say CHRISTMAS, and ask for a "holiday" tree. What happened to freedom of speech, and living in the land of the free? How can they take my CHRISTMAS money, but can't say MERRY CHRISTMAS to me? Men and women have given their lives so we could still go free. I wonder how they would feel at saying "HOLIDAY" TREE? Come on, AMERICA, let's wake up! Don't let our freedom escape. If they get by with doing this what else will they take? This is starting to get out of hand, and I've begun to keep track. Well, I've just about had enough. I'M TAKING CHRISTMAS BACK. So MERRY CHRISTMAS, AMERICA. I hope this gets all over the net. If we all stand united and take freedom back 'twill be our best CHRISTMAS YET!

Merry Christmas Everybody

Saturday, December 24, 2005

That Insane Friday!!!

Goodness! How was YOUR Friday? Let me tell you, mine sucked!!! Actually... No, it was pretty fun, now that I think about it. Heh heh. It should've sucked, but it didn't. How weird is that?! It was a very full day. Not very productive, but full... I woke up around 8:20, I think it was. 8:20 in the A.M. I ate. I went to the floodwall for my daily freeze / torture / walk. 9:45, I went to the Post Office (Surprise, no mail for me!!! Sarcastic...) I came home. Checked my email (Surprise, no mail for me!!! Heh.) I watched "Quantum Leap." 11:15, I ate again (some deliciously tastey South Beach Diet Southwestern Grilled Chicken soft tacos. Two of them, and a small cup of cherry Jello. And, I never ate again the rest of the day. Didn't even get hungry... Weird...). 11:40, left for work. Had to stop at the bank, first, and then go to the liquor store to pick up Chris's usual 5th of Maker's Mark (every Christmas, this happens to me! I don't drink. I don't frequently visit the liquor store. Just every year for CHRIStmas. Chris.) 11:57, clocked on for work. Did the usual, there. Turkeys, chicken, hamburger, hams, all day... 4:55pm, lunch. I left a couple minutes earlier than planned, because work was so insanely busy I didn't want to wait for 5:00 to roll around. I left while I had a chance. So, "lunch." I didn't eat. I went to the mall with Chris. Bath & Body Works (first time I've ever been in there!), Dawhares, Peebles, and Magic Mart (for the second time since I quit working there. The first was, oddly enough, also with Chris. I felt really awkward being there the first time. Not as bad, today.) Oh yeah, then we went to WalMart. 6:05, back to work. Work, work, work... And, I didn't get off work until 11:58pm!!! I worked a 12-hour shift!!! Crap, man!!! I ended the week with 53.19 hours. Gotta be a world record, or something! Heh heh. So, if you're wondering why I haven't been in contact much this week, that's why. I worked myself silly! But, it was fun. That's the weird thing. Fun?! At Christmas time?! Christmas 2004 "broke me," and made me lose the will to work any longer. I started job-hunting in January 2005, as a result. I didn't find any jobs, of course, and the rest is, as they say, history... CHANGES, BABY!!! This time last year I was miserable because of work. This year, my normal life kinda has me miserable, and I look forward to working to escape... I'm pretty confident that the future will be better, but, as I said a couple posts ago, I'm living in the present tense now, and I'm not worried about the future anymore... Because I know it's going to be awesome. Betcha didn't know I was psychic, did you? Yeah, there's a lot you don't know! Ummm... Yeah.... Anyway... So, it's 1am now. I have to wake up for work at 6am. Working back on my normal, early hours next week. 7-4 tomorrow... Lunch at 12... And, the beat goes on... Smile for me. I'm happy being with my friends. It's fun to have friends again. I'm happy?! Wow! Yeah, I think so... Hope your world is as fun as mine. Funner, actually. I'm just easily amused. Maybe my world seems boring to you. Who knows?! But, yeah, smile. Be happy. Be thankful. Love. Yeah, I can't wait for the future. It's going to be great! But, the present tense ain't so bad...

Wednesday, December 21, 2005

Ever heard of It's a pretty cool place to be. A friend introduced me to it. I've been hanging out there more than I have here, lately. I've sent everyone I know email-thingies, inviting y'all to sign up. Not many takers on that, for some reason... Come on, people! Get with it! I need more friends there! I've only got 11 right now. Most people have, like, a gazillion, or something.

Ever mail a letter, and then, after you drop it in the box, think, "Man, I shouldn't have mailed that!," because you said some pretty dumb things in the letter? That's happened to me twice, lately. I mean, letter #1 was dumb, you know? And, I tried to correct the dumbness of that letter, in letter #2, yesterday, and, I think, I probably did more damage than good... Can we just pretent like I never mailed either one of those letters? You know, the one in August, before I went to Myrtle Beach, and the one yesterday... That would be nice... It's just... I don't know! I can't find the words to say! I don't know whether to be bubbling with joy, or if I should just jump off a cliff... Wasn't there a lame 80's movie, where this guy mailed a letter like that, and then he tried to beat the mail truck to his girlfriend's house, and steal the letter from the mail man, so his girlfriend wouldn't see how lame he was? Remember that one? Andrew McCartney, I think... I could TOTALLY do that, you know? Thing is, the letter has a pretty good head start on me, now. I estimated that the letter would arrive in her hands by Friday. What if it gets there tomorrow?! I don't know... I mean, I feel weird! Why can't I just feel like I have always felt, for the last 11 years? Why do I always feel like I'm embarrassing myself now?! Why can't I just be myself?! It's weird, man...

I'm not exercising enough!

I'm listening to some Mexican music, right now. Chingon. Makes me feel better. Happy music.

Friday, December 16, 2005

Thursday, December 15, 2005

Dumb Dream #1

Okay, it's official, now. I'm OFFICIALLY a weirdo! I had the stupidest dream EVER, last night. I dreamed that I was asked to drive a school bus. Take the kids to school, you know? I don't know what happened to the regular bus driver. I was just walking down the road (at the railroad crossing to be exact), and there was a school bus sitting there, full of kids. My dad was there, for some reason. He's the one that asked me to drive the bus. I was like, "Dad, why don't YOU drive it?! I don't even know how to drive a stick!" He said, "Oh, there's nothing to it. Go ahead, and take these kids to school. It'll just take you a few minutes." I paused, and looked at him kinda confused. Then, he snapped at me (as Dad tends to do, with his short temper, and all), "Hurry up, you're going to make them late for school!" So, I drove a school bus full of kids to school. I did a pretty good job at it, actually. Maybe that's a sign from God, or something... "Go forth, and drive school buses. Let not ye waste ye time working at the grocery store." Could be...

Wednesday, December 14, 2005

19 Days Later...

For the first time in a VERY long time, I'm living in the present tense. For the longest time, I've not been able to do that. Am I making sense? What I'm saying is, I used to always be thinking about the past... "The Good Old Days" of 1992, or whatever. I'd be all depressed, and stuff, thinking, "Woe is me! If only life could be as good as it used to be!" You know, there's that, and the future, too. Yeah, I used to spend my time either living in the past, or the FUTURE. Not that I'm trying to be all Sci-Fi, or something. I'm serious! I'd spend my days day-dreaming about what's going to happen. What might happen. What could happen. Crap like that. So, yeah, I'm living in the PRESENT TENSE now, for a change. And, I'm loving every minute of it! I appreciate the past, and all, but I don't need to live there anymore. And, I could care less about the future. Whatever happens will happen for a reason. NOW is good. Oh, man, now is SOOO good!!! I'm extremely grateful. YOU KNOW WHAT I'M SAYIN'?! WEST SIDE, Y'ALL!

Tuesday, December 13, 2005

Hey, I've not blogged for a while! I'm all sleepy, and stuff. I should've went to bed an hour ago. Big day of fun planned for tomorrow. I should rest, actually... I'll blog later. Oh, yeah, my wrist is doing better now.

Saturday, December 03, 2005

Attack of the One-Armed Man

I screwed my left wrist up, yesterday, at work. I did it at work, but it's not work's fault. Mom thinks I should report it, and whatnot, but, hey, these things happen! I mean, if the store sign, out front, would've fell on my wrist, or something, then yeah, I'd probably report it. But, the thing is, I was weighing hams, as I tend to do this time of year. My wrist popped out of place. And, it just kinda KEPT POPPING EVERY FIVE MINUTES after that. So, I'm sporting this big, black brace on my wrist now. I kinda like the attention. People keep saying, "What'd you do to your wrist Junebug?" You know, those people who pretend to be concerned... Heh. But, yeah, I'm going to be in this thing for the next week or so. I took it off, a few minutes ago, to wash up, and it popped immediately. Big fun pain! Funny thing is, my right wrist has been giving me trouble for the last couple weeks. It was feeling better, yesterday, and then I hurt the left one! Hilarious, huh? Hey, at least I can still play my guitar, so it's not THAT much of a bother.

Thursday, December 01, 2005

I had a little spur-of-the-moment road trip up to Fostoria, OH, yesterday. One of my uncles died, Monday. My dad's oldest brother, Edgel. He was 83 years old. He'd been sick for the last couple years, so it's good that he's not suffering anymore, and he's in a better place now. Wish I would've known him, he lived a very full, and fruitful life. He would've been fun to have in my life, as I was growing up... Anyway... All along, my dad was saying that he didn't want to go to the funeral. All of a sudden, yesterday, around 1:00, he declared that he was going to go. Only problem there is that he doesn't know how to drive anywhere! So, he called 2 of his sisters, Martha, and "10," told them to get ready to go, because I was going to drive the 3 of them to Fostoria for the funeral. Heh heh. Dad's weird like that. So, I drove up them there... A 7-hour trip from Chatty... In my mom's car... Supposedly, it has more room in it than my car does. I can't see it, though. I was CRAMPED in that little thing, man! The whole thing was very rushed. We got there around 10, last night, I made a phone call (last time I'd ever talk to her... Had I known that I would've said more), woke up this morning, ate breakfast with Uncle Jim, went to the funeral, and came back home -- in a nice little snow storm. INSANITY!!! I wish I would've had more time to prepare the trip. It would've been nice to have seen some sights, and stuff. I could've even looked up my old pen pal, Dea, while I was in town. Even though we haven't been in touch for the last 7 or 8 years, or something. It still would've been cool to have met her. But, hey, I guess you don't really have time to plan things when it comes to funerals... All in all, it was a pretty nice little trip, though.