Monday, October 31, 2011

In Duh House!

I'm getting lazy again... Well... I'm too busy to be lazy right now! Umm... By the way, we finally got moved in to our new house on Wednesday, October 19th. On Thursday, October 20th we bought two goldfish. On Saturday, October 22 the driver's side door fell off my Mustang. On Saturday, October 29th we had our first frost of the year. And, later on today, Monday, October 31, we'll be taking Brandon out trick or treating for his second time. He's going to be a penguin. Pictures of all this stuff will be coming soon, I suppose...

The Cruel Music wheels are still turning. They're turning slowly these days, but they are turning. Maybe I could put some WD40 on that? Hopefully, the 81st WDN album will be completed sometime today. It's a big Halloween spectacular whoop-tee-do!

Saturday, October 08, 2011

Decoded: Baby Talk

Brandon has his own language. I've been trying to translate some of the stuff he's saying, so I'll know what he's talking about. Here's what I have so far:

Tee Tee Tah Tum = Turn the TV on.
Bee = Brush your teeth.
Mmmaw Markey = Walmart (Note: This word is sometimes prounounced "Mmmaw Mart Sar")
Mum mum = I'm hungry!
Da Da Da! = I found this thing in the floor. Take it, please.