Thursday, December 15, 2011

Drunk Santa!

This is Earl, That Old Drunk Man's BFF.

Friday, December 09, 2011

Well, it's Christmas time again, and that could mean only one thing -- It's time for our somewhat annual Karaoke album! Know a song you'd love to hear us sing? Email any suggestions to: Hey, it's fun!

Thursday, December 01, 2011

Thursday, November 03, 2011

In Duh Studio!

Hey, hey! The Cruel Music studio is finally operational! The last segment of the new WDN CD, "Trick Or Treat," was recorded in the studio. It's the first time anything has been recorded in there since March 2009. Pretty historic stuff! That means that we should be putting out some better quality recordings now. The two and a half year Cruel Music slump has ended!

Monday, October 31, 2011

In Duh House!

I'm getting lazy again... Well... I'm too busy to be lazy right now! Umm... By the way, we finally got moved in to our new house on Wednesday, October 19th. On Thursday, October 20th we bought two goldfish. On Saturday, October 22 the driver's side door fell off my Mustang. On Saturday, October 29th we had our first frost of the year. And, later on today, Monday, October 31, we'll be taking Brandon out trick or treating for his second time. He's going to be a penguin. Pictures of all this stuff will be coming soon, I suppose...

The Cruel Music wheels are still turning. They're turning slowly these days, but they are turning. Maybe I could put some WD40 on that? Hopefully, the 81st WDN album will be completed sometime today. It's a big Halloween spectacular whoop-tee-do!

Saturday, October 08, 2011

Decoded: Baby Talk

Brandon has his own language. I've been trying to translate some of the stuff he's saying, so I'll know what he's talking about. Here's what I have so far:

Tee Tee Tah Tum = Turn the TV on.
Bee = Brush your teeth.
Mmmaw Markey = Walmart (Note: This word is sometimes prounounced "Mmmaw Mart Sar")
Mum mum = I'm hungry!
Da Da Da! = I found this thing in the floor. Take it, please.

Monday, September 26, 2011

Sunday, September 18, 2011

Joyce Gail, Her Boyfriend, And Bicycles

Chicken George!

I think he was trying to steal these people's garbage can a few minutes later...

Wednesday, August 31, 2011


So, Brandon plays this game, where he gets himself wedged between the wall and the bed, and he yells, "Stuck!"

I saw this at the floodwall in town, the other day, and I couldn't resist.

And, then...

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Houston, We Have Furniture!

I would have never imagined that there was so much work involved in buying/moving into a double-wide trailer! I thought they'd just slap the trailers together, and we'd be good to go. Nope. We had to do all the plumbing, clean up the trailer crew's mess, wait for them to come back and fix things, clean up more messes, wait for the skirting to come in, clean up more messes, wait for the air conditioner to come in, do some more cleaning, and, finally, wait for the furniture to get here. The furniture came in today! I didn't get to take pictures of it yet, so you'll just have to take my word for it. Well... Okay... You talked me into it. I'll post pictures soon.

In other news, the "Man" family painted their house again! I mentioned on the old web site that they paint their house about 3 or 4 times a year. It has been yellow trimmed in green for a cople years now. They finally got back in the habit of painting it again a few days ago. It's now tan trimmed in brown.

Cruel Music is still hybernating. It's starting to wake up, though. I have several projects in the works... If I could only get time to work on the works... It shouldn't be much longer though. Sit tight. It'll be worth the wait, I promise!

Sunday, August 21, 2011

Thursday, July 28, 2011


Dude, I've TOTALLY not been updating my blog! What's wrong with me?! Well... I've been busy! So now! I've had a few things holding me back. Some are Cruel Music related, and some are not. Most notably... We bought a new double-wide trailer back in June! We've been homeless for over two years since the fire. The explosion was finally determined to not be the gas company's fault, so we figured it'd be safe to go back up on our land, and that's what we're going to do. We bought the trailer almost two months ago, and it's been sitting on our land for a month, but we're not living in it yet. Turns out there's a lot of work involved in preparing a double-wide trailer for living conditions. My dad has been doing the plumbing work for us. He came out of retirement for one last job. He's still got a few more things here and there to tie up with the plumbing, and then all we'll need is the heat pump, skirting, and steps to be delivered. It shouldn't be much longer!

Thursday, June 09, 2011

Tuesday, April 19, 2011


I haven't really posted anything on here for a while. Maybe I'm lazy. Maybe I'm busy. It's according to who you ask, and what day it is. Brandon hit his "terrible two's" the day after he turned one year old. That's been a blast. Honestly... No, really! Who wouldn't love a toddler screaming for no reason at all for 20 hours a day? And, it's really cool, too, because he's still up 'till 4:00 every night. Constantly breaking stuff, climbing, and... Did I mention CONSTANTLY SCREAMING?

I'm addicted to "Red Dead Redemption." What little free time I do get is going toward that game. It's great. I'm kinda like a slacker, teenager all over again!

Ummm... What else have I not been writing about? Oh, there's the fact that one of the store managers hates me, and we fight every time we get around each other. That's fun, right?

Still house hunting, after two years. That's not been going so good, either. We found out this past Friday that the bank is the devil. We thought we finally found a place, and the bank turned us down.

Cruel Music? Well, believe it, or not, I'm actually finding time to work on that, too. I'm not being completely lazy in 2011. I've still managed to record a couple new WDN albums. I thought it was about that time, since WDN was silent in 2010. I've been working on some stuff with Brandon. It'll eventually surface as the new Ultrapoop album. There's a new compilation in the works, too. I was hoping to have it done in April, but that's looking a little questionable now. I'm always working on digitally remastering Cruel Music classics. There will probably be some sort of compilation coming out of that mess soon, too. I'm going to do another musical biography-type thing sometime this year, too. The first one was, surprisingly, quite a hit. I'm working on a new band's debut album, too. More on that some other time...

Thursday, March 31, 2011

Saturday, March 26, 2011

Thursday, February 24, 2011