Friday, September 22, 2006

WDN Chatters 808

1. When you looked at yourself in the mirror today, what was your first thought?
"Nice hickey, Baby Girl!!!" Heh heh.

2. When is the next time you will have sex?
The next time we want to, I guess.

3. What's a word that rhymes with "DUCK"?

4. Favorite planet?
Other than Earth? Saturn, I guess. Neat rings happening there.

5. Who is the 4th person on your missed call list on your mobile?
My what?!

6. What is your favorite ring on your phone?
The second one? I don't know!

7. What shirt are you wearing?
Orange, Christmas 2004 shirt that "10" got me.

8. What were you doing 20 minutes ago?

9. Name the brand of shoes you're currently wearing?
I'm currently wearing socks, not shoes... But, I have some Reeboks that I work in.

10. Bright or Dark Room?
"Darkness imprisoning me, all that I see absolute horror, I cannot live, I cannot die, Trapped in myself, Body my holding cell..."

11. What do you think about the person who took this survey before you?
I think I don't know them.

12. If you're in a room with two beds, which one do you sleep on?
The other one.

13. What were you doing at midnight last night?
Kissing my girl, as we watched "Quantum Leap."

14. What did your last text message you received on your mobile say?
I hate to break it to ya, man, but not everyone has a "mobile."

5. How do you like your eggs?
In a plate.

16. What's a word/phrase that you say a lot?
"Reckon," "Ya'ont to," "The."

17. Who told you he/she loved you last?
Baby Girl.

18. Last furry thing you touched?
Ozzy... I was smacking him for biting my hand.

19. How many drugs have you done in the last three days?

20. How many rolls of film do you need to get developed?
2, kinda... Mom has one, and we have one... I'll probably be paying for hers too, so, yeah, 2...

21. Favorite age you have been so far?

22. Your worst enemy?
Santa Claus.

23. What is your current desktop picture?
A neat UFO pic that we found on Yahoo.

24. What was the last thing you said to someone?
"Could you reach me a blanck DVD over there, Baby Girl? From the middle stack... Thank you, thank you."

25. If you had to choose between a million bucks or to be able to fly which one would you pick?
Money = Satan.

26. Do you like someone?
Yeah, and I think she kinda likes me too!

27. The last song you listened to?
Umm... "Jesus Doesn't Want Me For A Sunbeam." ~ Nirvana.

28. If the last person you spoke to was getting shot at, what would u do ?
I'd shoot back at the freak, and tell him to stop shooting like that.

29. If you could punch 1 person in the face who's in your life right now, who would it be?
Heh. To protect the innocent, I'll just say someone at work... Not naming any names, or anything... But, just in case you're reading this, WHERE'S MY RAISE, STEVE?!

30. What is the closest object to your left foot?
My right foot.

Thursday, September 14, 2006

WDN Chatters 807

1. You are in the Witness Protection Program and must invent a new first and last name.

ingrid newalskyburgingson

2. You are in a threesome - choose two famous people, alive or dead.

sorry, i don't want to play this game. i'm quite happy with the love that i have. she's my soulmate!!!

3. You are in charge of naming your new band. What's the name of the band?

junebug and the coffee quarters.

4. You are going to get a free tattoo. What is it and where do you want it?

i'd kinda like to get a tattoo of a big toe on my big toe... like, the opposite, you know? get a right big toe tattooed on my left big toe. later, i'd get a left big toe tattooed on my right big toe.

5. You are being forced to listen to one song over and over, ad infinitum, as a form of torture. What song is it?

torture would have to be any rap song.

6. You are leaving your state/province. What state do you move to?

the little tokyo district of whisper, nevada.

7. You are leaving your country, where would you move to?

after living in little tokyo, i'd definitely have to move to regular tokyo.

8. You get to choose one book as the best ever written. What book do you choose?

i don't know, i don't read a lot... the best book i read was "heavier than heaven," so probably that one... it was a book about kurt cobain. i can't even remember the author right now.

9. You get to choose one movie as the best ever made.


10. You get to spend one day each as a bird, an insect, and a mammal.

What bird would you be? a sea gull
What insect? a spider... might as well join them, if i can't beat them! (our trailer is infested with spiders, for those of you who don't get my little inside joke...)
What mammal? a wooly mammoth.

11. You must relive one year of your life. Which would you like to relive?

2006 is the best year, by far... it'd be the funnest one to re-live, but i'd kinda like to re-live 2005, so i could undo some MAJOR, MAJOR mistakes... (i put my trust in some VERY WRONG people, last year.)

12. Which would you least like to relive?

i don't know! 1978?!

13. You have a time machine that will take you backwards:

i'd go to roswell, 1947, and see what the heck that thing was that crashed... could i take a camcorder, too? i'd film it, and have proof, once and for all, that it WASN'T a friggin' weather balloon!

14. You must choose to go skydiving or very-deep-sea diving.

diving, of course!

15. You get to return to the past and have a sexual encounter with a rock star who is no longer alive. Who do you pick?

see number 2...

16. You get to be a contestant on any game show, airing today or in the past. What show do you want to be on?

"press your luck."

17. You are given $1 million dollars but you must give it all to one charity. What charity do you choose?

the cystic fibrosis foundation.

18. You must ban two words, all usage, to be no longer uttered or written. What words do you ban?

"the" and "uhh."

19. You can have 100 million dollars tax free but if you take it, you'll die at the age of fifty. Do you take it?

no. i prefer life over money, no matter how much money it is. money is evil.

Ever heard the Foo Fighters' version of "Sister Of Mine?" I don't know who played the original version of it, but, let me tell you, this is an awesome song! I'm listening to it right this minute. The music is so haunting. Sends chills up my spine every time I hear it. Check it out!

Don't you just hate "spoilers?" Like, when someone tells you about a movie before you get a chance to see it for yourself... I just got a big spoiler! I saw on MSN's homepage who won "Rockstar" last night! I haven't even had a chance to watch the tape yet, but now I know who's going to win. Thank you, MSN! Thank you so bloody much!!! (I hate you, MSN!!!)

Also of note... The Foo Fighters' "I'm In Love With A German Film Star." It's on this same compilation CD that I have. Awesome song! I just really love the Foo Fighters. I'm sorry.

Have I mentioned how great it is to be in love, lately? My wish for mankind would be for everyone to get to know this feeling. I know there are a lot of unfortunate souls out there, who will never experience love in this lifetime. That's a shame. Maybe they're being punished for some crimes they commited in a previous life, or something. It really is an amazing feeling. It's the best remedy that I've found for this bipolar depression thing that I've had since 1989. I've not been this happy for a long time. Thank you, Denise! I love you, Baby Girl!

Thursday, September 07, 2006

WDN Chatters 806

1. is your hair up? No, but the sky is.

2. is your cell phone right beside you: Mama said cell phones is the devil.

3. do you have a bf/gf: Is that a new sandwich at McDonald's?

4. do you miss someone: I'm not a very good aim.

5. are you wearing makeup: Yes, I am. I just kissed Denise.

6. are you wearing chapstick: Yes, I am.

7. are you cold: Yes, I am.

8. are you tired: Not really. I just woke up. Got plenty of rest.

9. are you excited: Excited about moving out of this trailer / prison.

10. are you watching t.v: TV rots the brain.

11. are you wearing pajamas: Never.

1. recently done anything you regret: I regret nothing!

2. ever lied: Yeah, constantly when I was younger. I don't now, because I always get caught up in my lies, and end up looking like some kind of dummy.

3. ever stick gum on the underside of a desk: Don't believe so. I covered a tree limb with gum one summer, though... 1992, I believe? 91, maybe.

4. ever kicked someone: Probably. Who knows?!

5. ever trip over your own feet: Yeah, quite often, actually.

6. ever thrown up because you cried so hard: No, but I've cried because I've thrown up so hard.

1. have you cursed: No, I usually don't. I have to be pretty mad to do that stuff.

2. have you yelled at someone: No.

3. have you gotten mad at someone: No.

4. have you cried: No.

5. have you called more than 3 people: No.

6. have you IMed more than 3 people: No.

Question & Answers
Q: where is the last place you went?
A: Mom's house.

Q: who is the last person you called?
A: Mom.

Q: do you look like your mom or dad?
A: Mom.

Q: do you have any siblings?
A: Debra.

Q: do you smile often?
A: Constantly.

Q: do you think that someone is thinking about you right now?
A: Yes, I do.

Q: do you wish on stars?
A: Not anymore. I have everything I ever wanted... My soulmate!

Q: do you untie your shoes every time you take them off?
A: Never.

Q: when did you last cry?
A: Hard to say. I usually do every day!

Q: do you like your handwriting?
A: Yes.

Q: are you a friendly person?
A: Used to be, but the world has turned me dark.

Q: who's bed did you sleep in last night?
A: Mine, with my Denise by my side.

Q: what color shirt are you wearing?
A: Black... Constantly.

Q: do you have any pets?
A: Ozzy, Scruffy, Tommy.

Q: what is the color of your bedsheets?
A: I don't know, you freak!

Q: what were you doing at 9 last night?
A: Sleeping, probably... Heh. No... Let's see... 9? Hmm... Watching "Rockstar," maybe? Either that, or "Naked Gun 33 1/3."

Q: i can't wait till..
A: We find a house, and don't have to worry about paying rent anymore!!!

Q: look to your right. what's there?
A: A window.

Q: do you own a camera phone?
A: Of course not! Do you think I'm crazy?! I don't follow those kinds of trends!

Q: ever cried yourself to sleep?
A: Used to do that every night.

Q: ever cried on your friends shoulder?
A: Yeah, kinda.

Q: song that makes you cry?
A: No, but there are songs that send chills up my spine, and that are so powerful in doing so, that they make me want to cry.

Q: are you normally a happy person?
A: For the most part. Just got a little too much food in my plate at the moment.

Q: has anyone besides your friends and family ever said 'i love you' to you?
A: You mean, like, a bum on the street or something? No... People have to know me to love me.

Q: is your self-esteem extremely low?
A: Not anymore.

Q: current music?
A: Alice In Chains "Love Hate Love."
You will have noticed that I'm finding some really cool surveys, lately. Since I don't really email anyone anymore, I just post the surveys here... Note: I don't email anyone anymore, because no one ever emails me anymore. So, if you want me to email you, you'd better get off your lazy arse, and email ME!

Tuesday, September 05, 2006

WDN Chatters 805

1. Where were you 3 hours ago? At work... Where were YOU?!

2. Who are you in love with? "I'm in love with a German film star..." Nice little Foo Fighters song. Heh heh. Seriously, though, my Denise.

3. Have you ever eaten a crayon? Not intentionally. I was forced to eat one once... Some kids said if I didn't eat the crayon that they'd burn my house down, and torture my hamsters. It was green.

4. Is there anything pink within 10 feet of you? I seriously doubt it.

5. When is the last time you went to the mall? What is this "mall" you speak of?

6. Are you wearing socks right now? Yes I am. Sue me, I'm cold!

7. Do you have a car worth over $2,000? Heh. Yeah. What was I thinking?

8. When was the last time you drove out of town? I don't know, Sunday?

9. Have you been to the movies in the last 5 days? Heh. Yeah, right!

10. Are you hot? No, dude! I just said I was freezing! Are you even paying attention to me?

11. What was the last thing you had to drink? Diet Pepsi. It was good.

12. What are you wearing right now? A sexy little blue nighty.

13. Do you wash your car or let the car wash do it? I let myself do it. It has enough scratches on it, without taking it through one of those automated thingies.

14. Last food that you ate? Breakfast... At lunch time... =)

15. Where were you last week at this time? Last week... Man, I can't even remember where I was last NIGHT at this time!

16. Have you bought any clothing items in the last week? No... I don't do things like that. It's against my religion.

17. When was the last time you ran? As in running for my life? I don't know!

18. What's the last sporting event you watched? Sports are so gay!

19. Who is your favorite superhero? Batman, though Spider-Man is coming in a close second place these days.

20. Your dream vacation? Just being able to afford a vacation would be a dream vacation for me!

21. Last person's house you were in? Umm... 10's, I guess.

22. Worst injury you've ever had? That time I got hit with a crowbar, and had to have my elbow surgically connected on to my collar bone to prevent further bleeding.

23. Have you been in love? Umm... Agian, you're just not paying attention to me, are you? Look at #2, man! Yes, I'm in love right now, this very minute, and loving every minute of it. "Nobody ever really loved me like she loves me. She loves me good." "Don't Let Me Down." ~The Beatles.

24. Do you miss anyone right now? No, I don't. I keept certain people in my life, and certain people out of my life for a reason, you know?

25. Last play you saw? Gawd, the last PLAY?! Ummm... Oh yeah, that one about the Hatfields and McCoys, "The Last Hanging In Pike County," back in 2000 (or was it 2001?)

26. What is your secret weapon to lure in the opposite sex? Stink bait, like you use when fishing. Oh, and deer urine never hurts.

27. What are your plans for tonight? Going to bed, and waking up to start the whole process all over again tomorrow.

28. Who is the last person you sent a MySpace message or comment? I don't really use that stuff anymore, but when I do it's with my girl.

29. Next trip you are going to take? I don't do drugs.

30. Ever go to camp? Not actually to one of those corny "get rid of your kids for a week" camps, but yeah, I've been camping. I loved it, too, I'll have you know.

31. Were you an honor roll student in school? Sometimes.

32. What do you want to know about the future? Will these tacos, which I'm about to eat, make me constipated?

33. Are you wearing any perfume or cologne? No, that stuff bothers my toenails.

35. Where is your best friend? Tie: Mom and Denise.

36. How is your best friend? They're well, thank you. How is yours?

37. Do you have a tan? Kinda. It's one of those farmer's tans.

38. What are you listening to right now? Some very annoying country music, which is blasting on my neighbor's car stereo... Ick!

39. Do you collect anything? Coins.

40. Who is the biggest shit talker you know? The what?!

41. Last time you got stopped by a cop or pulled over? Oh yeah... That one time, on my way to the floodwall... (See blog for further details... I think it was last year...)

42. Have you ever drank your soda from a straw? Of course! Have you ever breathed oxygen?!

43. What does your last text message say? My what?

44. Do you like hot sauce? Oh yeah, man! Good stuff, there!

45. Last time you took a shower? 6 months ago.

46. Do you need to do laundry? No, I do that every 6 months, too, so I'm good on that for right now.

47. What is your heritage? Part French, part something else... English, maybe?

48. Are you someone's best friend? Yeah, huh huh huh... That's cool, Beavis... Huh, huh, huh...

49. Are you rich? Yes, I am. With blessings, at least.

50. What were you doing at 12AM last night? Sleeping, you moron!

Monday, September 04, 2006

WDN Chatters 804

1. LIVING ARRANGEMENT? with my fiance in this stupid trailer.

2. WHAT BOOK ARE YOU READING NOW? "the life & death of jim morrison," or something like that.

3. WHAT'S ON YOUR MOUSE PAD? 4 cute little kittens.

4. FAVORITE BOARD GAME? connect 4.

5. FAVORITE MAGAZINE? none really... kinda fond of guitar magazines.

6a. FAVORITE SMELLS? denise.

6b. LEAST FAVORITE SMELLS? ozzy's farts.

7. FAVORITE SOUNDS? the ocean.



10. FAVORITE COLOR? eighteen.

11. HOW MANY RINGS BEFORE YOU ANSWER THE PHONE? however many it takes.

12. FUTURE CHILD'S NAME? jebakye, and izeekile.

13. WHAT IS MOST IMPORTANT IN LIFE? finding your soul mate.

14. FAVORITE FOODS? chinese, baby!

15. CHOCOLATE OR VANILLA? why not both?



18. STORMS - COOL OR SCARY? cool in a scary sort of way.


20. IF YOU COULD MEET ONE PERSON DEAD OR ALIVE? alive, probably, because i've seen a lot of ghosts.

21. FAVORITE ALCOHOLIC DRINK? nyquil? i don't know! i don't drink!

22. WHAT IS YOUR ZODIAC SIGN? sagitarius.

23. DO YOU EAT THE STEMS OF BROCCOLI? sure, if there's stems in my plate i'll eat them, too. no vegetable will survive my wrath!

24. IF YOU COULD HAVE ANY JOB YOU WANTED WHAT WOULD IT BE? that sounds kinda dirty...


26. EVER BEEN IN LOVE? i'm currently there.

27. IS THE GLASS HALF EMPTY OR HALF FULL? my cup of water is almost empty. does that make me sound pessimistic? i don't want to be like that anymore... i'm just saying, man, i just got done mowing the grass, and i drunk some water, and now there's not much left in my cup, so, therefore, low and behold, my cup is almost empty.

28. FAVORITE MOVIES? tombstone, back to the future, star wars, young guns, armageddon, and anything that nicolas cage has ever made.

29. DO YOU TYPE WITH YOUR FINGERS ON THE RIGHT KEYS? no, i usually type with my fingers on my car keys.

30. WHAT'S UNDER YOUR BED? a lot of ozzy's hair, and poop, and stuff.


Is This Thing On?!

Testing, testing... Check 1, Check, Check... I think someone is trying to sabotage the blog page. It's not been working these last few days. Is it working now?