Wednesday, December 21, 2005

Ever heard of It's a pretty cool place to be. A friend introduced me to it. I've been hanging out there more than I have here, lately. I've sent everyone I know email-thingies, inviting y'all to sign up. Not many takers on that, for some reason... Come on, people! Get with it! I need more friends there! I've only got 11 right now. Most people have, like, a gazillion, or something.

Ever mail a letter, and then, after you drop it in the box, think, "Man, I shouldn't have mailed that!," because you said some pretty dumb things in the letter? That's happened to me twice, lately. I mean, letter #1 was dumb, you know? And, I tried to correct the dumbness of that letter, in letter #2, yesterday, and, I think, I probably did more damage than good... Can we just pretent like I never mailed either one of those letters? You know, the one in August, before I went to Myrtle Beach, and the one yesterday... That would be nice... It's just... I don't know! I can't find the words to say! I don't know whether to be bubbling with joy, or if I should just jump off a cliff... Wasn't there a lame 80's movie, where this guy mailed a letter like that, and then he tried to beat the mail truck to his girlfriend's house, and steal the letter from the mail man, so his girlfriend wouldn't see how lame he was? Remember that one? Andrew McCartney, I think... I could TOTALLY do that, you know? Thing is, the letter has a pretty good head start on me, now. I estimated that the letter would arrive in her hands by Friday. What if it gets there tomorrow?! I don't know... I mean, I feel weird! Why can't I just feel like I have always felt, for the last 11 years? Why do I always feel like I'm embarrassing myself now?! Why can't I just be myself?! It's weird, man...

I'm not exercising enough!

I'm listening to some Mexican music, right now. Chingon. Makes me feel better. Happy music.