Wednesday, February 23, 2005

Does This Qualify As Being Sick?

Those of you who know me will know that I've spent 3/4 of my life with the flu. Growing up, I'd be sick, like, once a month. For the last couple months I've been bragging, "I haven't been sick since September 2003!" Well, Monday night, at 8:30 (just as I was getting ready to work on "Chatters," as previously noted), I got deathly ill! My stomach started hurting really bad. I started puking, and in no time at all, I had diarrhea. It was hitting me, like, every 30 minutes --- puke, poop, puke, etc... Then, I started dehydrating. I was freezing, shaking all over, and couldn't even stand up. I'd drink water, but I'd puke it right back up. I couldn't keep anything down! I couldn't take any medicine, or anything like that. It was some sort of 24-hour virus, apparently. But, mine lasted for 26 hours. I puked a couple more times, before going to bed last night, at 10:30. But yeah, I've never been so sick in my life! I even missed work, yesterday. That's the first time in my life I've ever done that. I never missed a day of school, either. If I could've made it to the phone book, I was going to start looking for an exorcist's phone number (are they listed?). Had to get this demon exorcised, ya know? But... Hey, I'm better now! And, I'm getting ready to enjoy my third day off from work. It's kinda like a vacation... Half of it sucked, but the other half should be fun! But, now I'm kinda debating: "Was I sick?" I'd hate to screw up my record, you know? I mean, I've not been sick since September 2003, for crying out loud! I wasn't coughing, or snotting, or any of that crap that usually goes with being sick, Monday / Tuesday. But, I was puking... Man... I WAS sick! That sucks!