Thursday, July 27, 2006

Life sucks!

I was so excited about this one... Baby Girl woke up to go to the bathroom around 1am, and I woke up, too. I laid there for, like, 3 hours trying to get back to sleep. I was so excited about the house I couldn't stop thinking about it, and I couldn't sleep... This was going to be the one! I could just *FEEL* it!

However... I should know better by now... QUIT GETTING MY HOPES UP!!! That's been my philosophy for the last 15 years, or so... "Don't bother getting your hopes up, Dude, because nothing ever goes your way!" To quote the Cinderella song... "The more things change, the more they stay the same." Yeah... In a move that shouldn't have surprised me, at this point, the bank did not approve my loan request! Their "First-Time Buyers Program" doesn't cover trailers. And, the house we were looking at *USED TO BE* a trailer. It was turned into a house, but since it was originally a trailer, they couldn't accept my loan application. Yeah, I could still buy the house straight through the bank... But, I don't seem to have a spare $5,000 laying around anywhere ($3,500 for the down payment, and $1,100+ for the closing costs... Basically, $5,000.)... So... Shall I repeat? LIFE SUCKS!!!

So, now, in the process of escaping this landlord's prison, I have, pretty much, ruined my once-"excellent" credit, because I've been turned down for a loan three times... Which means our chances of escaping this prison are very, very slim now... LIFE SUCKS!!!