Wednesday, February 05, 2020

The Toxic Pilgrims Return!

The Toxic Pilgrims are back with their second album, "Elusive!"  Their first album was recorded in 2001.  We don't really have a good excuse for why it took so long to record this album.  Food Fortunata recorded the bulk of the songs in 2012, and sent them to Junebug.  Junebug couldn't write any good lyrics for the nine songs.  He revisited the songs from time to time, but never could come up with anything.  Finally, in October 2019, it dawned on Junebug that he could just steal parts of his favorite podcasts, and use them for the songs.  He finally got the nine songs done, and realized that he had enough leftover material for a tenth song.  Food then recorded the music for "Call Of The Wild" on January 30, 2020.  Junebug added the finishing touches on February 5th.