Tuesday, May 17, 2005

My Profile...

Back to those online dating services... I changed my profile (only on Yahoo! Personals, so far). Maybe this will turn a few heads:

i'm tall, and skinny. i have long hair, and crooked teeth. i'm hideous to look at. i gave up on trying to find love a long time ago. basically, i'm just looking for a "partner in crime," so to say. i love rock music. i hate country, and r&b/rap. if you like either country, or r&b/rap, don't even waste your time, or mine. i hate rich people. if you're rich, don't worry, because i hate most people, in general. i love life. real life, that is... not most people's idea of life, which rotates around work, consumerism, and money. i hate money. i hate the way the powers-that-be control people, and force us to work in order to "live." i hate that people have to waste two-thirds of their lives working. i hope to, one day, infiltrate the system, and change their rules, but until that day i have to play along. i love art. i have never watched a "reality" tv show in my life, but i know that i hate such shows, because they're artificial, and they contribute to everything that is wrong with the world. i hate sports for the same reason. i love to walk, and spend as much time as possible outdoors, enjoying (real) life.