Monday, October 17, 2005

I fought the law and the law won

Hey crew! Hey homies! How was your weekend? Mine was weird. But, it had a happy ending. Ummm... I guess I'll tell you about it from the start, huh?

Friday night, the official beginning of the weekend, was lame. I worked for Ford. That always sucks. He was watching the news when I first got there. I heard the news people talking about "Bridge Day 2005." I've been tempted to make the trek up to Fayetteville for the last couple years, just to see what all the hype is about. I did it again this year. The event started Saturday morning. I was itching to go, man. Then, I started thinking that the whole thing, Bridge Day, would be over-run with jocks. So, I didn't go again this year. I bet there was a lot of jocks there, though. I hate those guys! Supposedly, 200,000 people attended. Probably, like, 175,000 of them were jocks. I bet. I just bet! So, yeah, maybe next year... Kinda wish I would've went, now, looking back, in hindsight, and all...

My Saturday was really bad! I was on my way down to the floodwall for my evening walk. And... Well... Something very lame happened. I got a speeding ticket! Heh. Yeah, me! You read that right! Those of you who have road around with me know that I drive like a granny, and I always do the speed limit. But, for some dumb reason, I wasn't doing the speed limit Saturday. The cop clocked me in at 48 mph, in a 35 zone... I still say I was doing 46! Heh. And, well, the little turd gave me a TICKET. The only ticket I've ever got in my life! (A lot of firsts for me, this year....). He said he was just going to write me a "little citation." He gave me the ticket, told me to slow down and have a nice evening, and went on about his merry little way. I looked at the ticket, and saw... $335!!! Yes, THREE HUNDRED, THIRTY-FIVE DOLLARS!!! What is that crap?! I was a little mad, to say the least... Had I went to Bridge Day, I wouldn't have got that ticket.

Sunday was better, though. I took myself a little walk, just to clear my head. I walked up on the Hatfield and McCoy trail. I was questioning my place in the universe, and stuff... Thinking maybe that my goal in life should be to stand up against ABUSE OF POWER. What with my brush with the law, and my hatred for the power-mongers at Magic Mart, and the fact that I hate society's rules, and, and, and... But, then, I changed my tune. It sounded a lot like, "All You Need Is Love." Heh heh. Yeah, I remembered how artificial all that crap is, and how love is all that matters, so I changed my mind. I guess I'll just have to learn to live with society's rules for a while longer, because I don't feel like fighting. I just want to... Well, you know... Love...

Today was strange. It wasn't, technincally, the weekend, but I guess I should mention it. I got my notary public, today. Yeah... How weird is that? I had to be sworn in, and everything! So, if you have any important documents that need to be notarized, don't hesitate. I'm your huckleberry! Heh.