You know what I hate the most about this office job? I'M NOT GETTING ENOUGH EXERCISE! I didn't even notice it, man, but, the other day, Steve said, "You're getting too used to sitting on your ass all day, and you're getting fat," or something along those lines. So, I went home, looked in the mirror, and, by golly, Steve's right! I'm getting fat! Like the latter-days Jim Morrison, or Elvis, or something. Am I dying? Hmm... The weird thing is, I haven't really gained any weight. I've been 180 for the last 4 years. Now, I'm 184. What the crap, huh?! So, yeah, going back to the grocery store will be a good thing! I get plenty of exercise there! Actually, I'm going to start going to the gym, when the weather gets worse. "Citi Gym," as they call it. You're welcome to join me there, you know? I think "Brother JR" is going to start going with me, when I start going. My gut... Man... Wish I had a digital camera! I'd post a picture of this thing! I look like an Ethopian, or something. All bony, and stuff, but with a huge gut. What's happening to me?!
Hey, yeah, I like The White Stripes, too. There's actually a few new bands out that I like! Wow! I'm in shock! I guess the White Stripes are about 5 years old, though, so that's not so new. Gorillaz, and Coldplay, too... Wow. Maybe I *DON'T* like new bands, after all.
I think I've heard "Monster Mash" enough today, thank you... Has Halloween ALWAYS been this cheesey?