Thursday, April 28, 2005

Back To The Old Drawing Board...

Oh well... So, I got this letter, today. It said that I didn't get that cool job, with the state, that I've been talking about. They've hired someone else. They sent a letter?! What's up with that?! Couldn't tell me in person?! Oh well... Everything happens for a reason... I'm still going to try to escape the clutches of the grocery store, though.

This makes me angry, too... Remember how I'm signed up with several of those online dating sites? Yeah, I'm still there... Can't seem to get a date on my on, and need an extra little nudge from online dating companies... Well, I've stated on every one of these profile things that I'm seeking someone close to home, someone in the area, ya know? So, why is it that I keep getting emails from these chicks that live miles away, in other states?! Pretty much every state, but the two I'm looking for!!! I mean, don't get me wrong, I like the attention, and all, but I don't want to drive 4,000 miles every time I want to take my chick out to the movies, or something. Sheesh!