Tuesday, April 26, 2005

Dumb Web Pages... Chapter 3

Hey, look what I found!

"M.C. Snot Rag- Nobody is sure what M.C. Snot Rag's actual name is. M.C. Snot Rag is a very rough character who simply oozes fear, awe, and a sense of foreboding from every pore in his body. Once in second grade the teacher asked M.C. Snot Rag to turn in his homework and he responded by eating her VW Bug in it's entirety, including the spare tire. M.C. Snot Rag got an "A+" that year and every year thereafter, while only attending class twice. Since nobody is entirely sure what specific sinister dealings M.C. Snot Rag is up to, most people in the county drive by his house once a week and throw some money out onto the lawn just to be safe. Dream- To learn to correctly spell Mississippi."

Not quite sure what that's all about...