Tuesday, April 26, 2005

Shedding Some Light On Dark Matters

Okay... A while back I mentioned something that I was cooking up, that was a bit of a secret. The cat's out of the bag, now. And, now that I think about it, it was kinda dumb for making it a secret, and pretending like it was some kind of big deal. I went to the state capital, last month, to take a civil service test, because I'm trying to get a better job... Yeah... As cool as it may seem, the grocery store sucks! I've got to get out of there, man! Don't get me wrong, I love the people I work with. They've grown on me, and I'm proud to say that they're my friends. That's why I kept it a secret that I was looking for another job, actually, because I was afraid my friends at there would get the wrong idea, or something. So, I went to the capital, that time, and got lost, and stuff. Then, I went to another town, and took the test. Well... As a result of that, I had a job interview, last Wednesday. And... Well... I still haven't heard anything from the new job. I'm waiting. Patiently. Wondering what to do. Should I call them, and see what's going on, or wait a little while longer? I don't know! But, if I get the job, it'll be awesome, because they get weekends and holidays off... Unlike the grocery store, where the employees have to work HARDER on weekends and holidays. So, yeah, I really hope the new place calls me soon, or something, because I'd really love to have this new job!