Tuesday, March 29, 2005

Dumb Web Pages

I've noticed that there are a lot of web sites out there that make no sense. 'Sites that just waste valuable space that could be used for advertising, or spyware, or whatever... Cruel Music, of course, is NOT one of these wastes of space... But, anyway, I'm on a mission. I'm going to search for some crazy web sites. I'll post my results here, on the Blog section. And, since many of these sites won't be around much longer, I'll copy some of the text here, too. So, here is today's big winner:

"Work out your anger. Books by Corbie may be good for a break from life, but burning
excess energy by cleaning the house or taking a walk will leave you in a better state
of mind. Then when you are ready to relax, Corbie will be there waiting for you.
Losing yourself in a good book will clear your mind, just as physical work cleared
your anger."

What the crap is that all about?! And, who on Earth was I thinking about when I conducted such a search with Yahoo? Hmmm...