Thursday, March 10, 2005

This Sucks, Too!

It sucks when I get out-smarted, while doing "WDN Chatters." It's happened a couple times before. And, it happened again, yesterday. In my last post, I said I had enough crap compiled for episode #704. So, I was just getting ready to compile said crap, when I discovered some new messages from 704's "victim." Turns out he/she somehow hacked into my ICQ, and got my IP address, and, from there, was able to learn all kinds of stuff about me, and the website, etc... He/she is probably reading this right now. So... My hat goes off to you, "NetSpirit," for catching on to the "Chatters" thing, and all. Even though it's a little freaky. But, yeah, I'll include the entire piece for #704, so everyone can see what I'm talking about. I've had problems with ICQ before, while doing "Chatters." So, I guess it's time to find a new way to annoy people... I don't know! As I've said before, all of the good chat rooms have been shut down. ICQ was kinda my last hope. I thought if I'd set up "WDN2's" ICQ account with high security settings that no one would be able to add me to their contact list, and, in turn, not be able to see my IP Address. But, "NetSpirit" found a loop hole of some sort, and added me to his/her contact list without my permission. Good job!