Monday, March 21, 2005

Monday, Monday...

I guess I picked a bad time to be in love...
I guess I picked a bad time to bring "Chatters" back. Boy... This is bad... I can't find a single chat room! I even tried Chatropolis. They charge $3 a month to chat, nowadays. I don't have $3, man! I mean, I do, but I don't want to spend it just so I can annoy people for "Chatters," you know? If anyone out there knows of a good, FREE chat service, let me know! I'm not using ICQ anymore. Sorry, NetSpirit. It's not so much the privacy invasion thing, with people stealing your IP Address on ICQ; It's the fact that there are no real people using ICQ anymore! All you find there are spammers, and crap like that.

So, yeah... Today's my big day off. I should be doing something productive, because God only knows when my next day off will be. As I just stated, I can't do anything else with "Chatters," for the moment. Music? Hmmm... Now, THERE'S something to ponder! Maybe... I don't know... Actually, I don't even know why I'm posting anything today, in the first place! Nothing's really new. Nothing's happenin.' It's just been a while since I posted anything, and I thought I'd write something. Oh yeah, some guys are going to put our new carpet in tomorrow... Is that news? Anyway, enjoy your Monday.