Wednesday, March 09, 2005

Today SUCKED!!!

Man, I'll tell ya! This day... Gawd, it sucked! I had to go to Charleston, WV, this morning. So, right there... Trouble from the start! It was only the third time in my life that I've been to my state's capital (yeah, I'm weird like that). But, I had to be there by 8:30 this morning. I left here at 5:55, which would give me plenty of time to get to my top secret meeting... About that... TOP SECRET stuff, man! I can't say what it is right now, I'm sorry. There's only 3 people (not counting my family) in the world who know what I'm up to, so I've got to keep a lid on it for the moment. But anyway... I made it to Charleston at, like, 7:15, this morning. PLENTY of time, no? Well... I'm not exactly all that familiar with Charleston... And... I GOT LOST!!! Yeah, really... How pathetic is that?! I was supposed to turn on Exit 99, right? Well, I SWEAR Exit 99 does not exist!!! I looked for it FOREVER! So.. I finally just got off the interstate, and drove around in town FOREVER hoping I'd accidently stumble into the place where I was supposed to be. I couldn't find it! I even asked for directions, and everything! But, all of a sudden, like some sort of cruel joke, I found my destination, at 8:25. Then, my next problem: NO PARKING METERS!!! So, I drove around a bit longer, and finally found the visitor's parking lot... At 8:30... The time that I was supposed to be at my meeting!!! I knew I wouldn't be able to get in, but I tried anyway. It was about 20 degrees out, today, by the way... I nearly froze to death, walking those 2 blocks to the building where my meeting was being held. I found my distination, went upstairs, tried to open the door, and found... That the door was locked!!! 8:35. Yes. They started without me. "What's the big deal?" you may ask. Well, these particular types of meetings are only held on Mondays, Tuesdays, and Wednesdays. I WASTED A TRIP TO CHARLESTON!!! So, I'll have to go back next week, right? WRONG!!! I have to work on all 3 of those days, next week. So, my next window of opportunity will be on March 21. So, that was kinda depressing... I mean, I have spent $75 for gas this week! I kid you not, friends. In the last 6 days, I have filled my gas tank up 3 times! $25 a pop!

Hey, but all is not lost! I have enough material assembled from my ICQ nonsense to make episode #704 of "Chatters!" It's about time, eh?