Wednesday, March 02, 2005

This Mud's For You!!!

By the way, I'm over that stomach-virus-thing. Thank you!

Hey, what's the deal with mud slides?! I've not felt the need to mention this on my blog -- until now!!! It's constantly raining, here, in West Virginia, these days. On May 31, 2004, southern WV was devastated by floods. That was never an issue for me and my family, because we live on a hill. But, in May, our hill started sliding! The area behind our house, formerly known as a yard, washed down. Half of the hill was covering the back of our house (it came up to the roof behind my room). Mud everywhere, pretty much. In July, FEMA came to the rescue! Yeah... I said July... Not a moment too soon, eh? I guess they were kinda busy, though, and it took them a while to get to us. Anyway, they came in, and dug all of the mud out, and everything was fine for about a month. We had a yard again! Since the dirt was still settling, and stuff, I had an easy summer of grass-cutting. See, I didn't have much grass to cut... But, that's not why you called... I guess it was around August, the hill started sliding again. We'd get little, minor mud slides every time it'd rain. We thought that it was normal, because it was still settling, or whatever. But... It just keeps coming down! There's as much mud piled up in our yard now, as there was on May 31! It's not threatening the house this time, but it's just a matter of time before it starts getting close again. I spent my evening, Sunday, digging a ditch, hoping that it would give all of the water somewhere to go. But, Monday, it started raining again, and a new mud slide totally wiped out the ditch that I'd worked so hard on ("Huh huh... Hard on! Huh huh huh!" Remember "Beavis and Butthead?"). I'm really sick of seeing all this mud! It's cool that I won't have to worry about grass again this summer, but enough is enough! I'd rather cut grass than dig around in this mud all the time!